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Bot Builder is a framework for building rich bots on virtually any platform.

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Bot Builder for Node.js

Bot Builder for Node.js is a powerful framework for constructing bots that can handle both freeform interactions and more guided ones where the possibilities are explicitly shown to the user. It is easy to use and models frameworks like Express & Restify to provide developers with a familiar way to write Bots.


To add the latest version of this package to your bot:

npm install --save botbuilder
Use the Daily Build

To get access to the daily builds of this library, configure npm to use the MyGet feed before installing.

npm config set registry

To reset the registry in order to get the latest published version, run:

npm config set registry

What's included?

Bot Builder has everything you need to run a bot on almost any bot platform like the Microsoft Bot Framework, Skype, and Slack. The core library will get your bot online and chatting. Then, extend and connect your Bot Builder app with these plugins:

botbuilder-dialogsPowerful dialog system with dialogs that are isolated and composable, and built-in prompts for simple things like Yes/No, strings, numbers, enumerations.
botbuilder-aiUtilize powerful AI frameworks like LUIS and QnA Maker.
botbuilder-azureIncorporate Azure services like Cosmos DB and Blob Storage into your bot.

Build a bot

Read the quickstart guide that will walk you through setting up your Bot Builder app so that you've got a well structured project and all of the tools necessary to develop and extend your bot.

Start from scratch

Create a folder for your bot, cd into it, and run npm init.

npm init

Get the BotBuilder and Restify modules using npm.

npm install --save botbuilder
npm install --save restify

Create a file named bot.js and get your bot online with a few lines of code.

const restify = require('restify');
const botbuilder = require('botbuilder');

// Create bot adapter, which defines how the bot sends and receives messages.
var adapter = new botbuilder.BotFrameworkAdapter({
    appId: process.env.MicrosoftAppId,
    appPassword: process.env.MicrosoftAppPassword

// Create HTTP server.
let server = restify.createServer();
server.listen(process.env.port || process.env.PORT || 3978, function () {
    console.log(`\n${} listening to ${server.url}`);
    console.log(`\nGet Bot Framework Emulator:`);

// Listen for incoming requests at /api/messages.'/api/messages', (req, res) => {
    // Use the adapter to process the incoming web request into a TurnContext object.
    adapter.processActivity(req, res, async (turnContext) => {
        // Do something with this incoming activity!
        if (turnContext.activity.type === 'message') {            
            // Get the user's text
            const utterance = turnContext.activity.text;

            // send a reply
            await turnContext.sendActivity(`I heard you say ${ utterance }`);

Test your bot

Use the Bot Framework Emulator to test your bot on localhost.

Install the emulator from here and then start your bot in a console window.

Start the emulator and say "hello" to your bot.

Publish your bot

Deploy your bot to the cloud and then register it with the Azure Bot Service.

Learn More

Learn how to build great bots.



Last updated on 27 Jun 2024

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